The Happi Project

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The Happi Project is an initiative of Veda, which aims to make mental health more accessible to everyone who is in need and specially support those who are unable to afford high quality care for their issues.


The Happi Project aims to build a community where there are evidence-based solutions for mental health concerns, as well as offer support to people who are coping with these concerns, preventing the condition from going bad to worse.

The world as well as the Indian statistics of mental health has deteriorated at an alarming rate and requires stringent initiative and preventive measures.


Due to the urgent need for care and treatment, our initiative Happi project aims to provide effective treatment to people across the country, by making it accessible specially for those who are having a tough financial time (unable to afford) :

  • Real time help through video call or voice call with trained mental health professional / Psychologist.
  • The Happi project wants to empower people who can eventually help themselves out of their mental health struggles.
  • It recommends a variety of resources that help with relevant information around mental health, guided meditation, daily positive affirmations, psychoeducational/informative videos, journalling, quick tips for coping with mental health concerns, food and nutrition based information etc.
  • Everything we recommend or practice is evidence based and scientific.

Here are the terms for applying for this benefit


You have a serious and diagnosed psychological issue such as depression, anxiety, addiction etc.


The illness / issue has existed and affected
your life for over 3 months.


You are unable to afford this care as of now.


By applying for this benefit you indemnify us from all liabilities and claims. ​


Please fill the form below and apply
for this benefit.​

We are here for you, feel free to reach out to us for more information.