Medical Tourism is a growing industry worldwide. Millions of people, from the US alone, participate in this new form of seeking care. Medical tourism is when people travel outside their country for one or more of the below give reasons to seek professional care. This care can be for physical ailments or mental ailments. One of the growing reasons for medical tourism is addiction treatment, and India is becoming an increasingly popular destination for those seeking high-quality care at a lower cost. Veda Wellness, Luxury Retreat & Rehab is at the forefront of this industry as India’s first and only chain of luxury rehab centres.

Here are the reasons why clients from outside India have and continue to prefer Veda as their choice of the treatment centre.

Quality Of Care:

Veda centres employ highly trained psychotherapists and other members who specialize in addiction treatment. The care provided at these centres is on par with that of some of the best ones in the world. We offer state-of-the-art facilities and technology, which makes a significant difference in the recovery process.


Since the cost of healthcare in India is much lower compared to other countries in the world, India becomes one of the best candidates for seeking addiction treatment at lower costs. While the cost of treatment is less, the treatment given at Veda is usually on par and many times better than the treatment given outside India because of our approach and the state-of-the-art facilities we provide to our clients. 

Holistic Approach:

Veda Wellness centres itself on the principles of Holistic healing. We see each human being as containing three aspects to themselves. The three aspects are the body, the mind and the spirit. Veda focuses on the healing of all three aspects simultaneously based on the ancient teachings in harmony with the latest findings of psychology, something that the other centers anywhere in the world skilfully ignore. India is the birthplace of the holistic approach to life which includes spirituality and one could benefit from the work of the pioneers of this approach by seeking care at Veda Wellness.

Cultural Experience:

India is a rich and diverse country with an even richer and more diverse history. Unfortunately, this diversity sometimes leaves tourists confused and aloof about the country. One can have a unique taste of this diversity by taking the opportunity to learn more about the country through its people during their time of recovery. This cultural experience can be a refreshing change from the environment that patients are used to and can help to promote a sense of relaxation and wellness.

Privacy & Comfort:

Our luxury retreat makes sure privacy is given its utmost importance. If one is looking to deal with their troubles while making sure this affair remains private can do so by seeking treatment at one of our centers. Along with that, clients receive huge luxurious accommodations, with magnificent views overlooking a forest along with authentic Indian meals famous all over the world. This is beneficial for clients already facing stress and anxiety and this benefit is seen in a faster recovery than expected.


Medical Tourism is already quite famous and one can benefit from this industry today! People requiring mental healthcare can benefit even more by coming to India and spending their time in recovery away from their busy city lives in solitude and serenity. Veda Wellness, Luxury Retreat & Rehab centres provide the best care in affordable prices. It employs the principles of holistic healing which destroy the root cause of the illness. One can also refresh their mental complexes by spending time getting to know the people and the culture of India, along with enjoying the utmost privacy and comfort. 

Let us know how we can help you by contacting us today. Share this with your friends and family, the ones you think need our help. Visit our website to know more about us!

Nihar Laljani 

Content Writer For Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness