Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness Centre currently operational in Mumbai, Bangalore and New Delhi is considered the premiere mental health treatment brand in India due to a variety of factors and services offered by skilled and experienced professionals diligently.

Veda is a luxurious de-addiction and rehabilitation centre which provides holistic opportunities for recovery and personal growth. It is not just restricted to cater to addiction problems but also to various mental health disorders and a variety of concerns such as anxiety, depression, substance addiction, borderline personality disorder, impulse control disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) etc.

The treatment modalities utilized in the set up are:

  • Nutrition based rejuvenation – Nutrition is an essential human need and prerequisite for a healthy life. Along with physiological benefits of a conscious nutritional diet, there have also been positive effects of nutrition on mental health leading to improved mood. Such rejuvenation is shown to be effective in relieving anxiety and depressive symptoms. 
  • One on one counseling sessions with skilled psychologists – The counseling sessions are carried out in a non judgemental and safe space on one on one basis where confidentiality is maintained. The clients are restricted to a very limited number of 5 clients per centre so that individual attention is provided along with quality services and privacy. The psychologists help clients address the underlying issues behind the addiction or their mental health concern, help them acknowledge and make sure that the symptoms do not affect their present and future.
  • Proprietary Program – Veda has its own proprietary program and customized plans according to the individual concerns. The tailor made program ensures that most effective evidence based approaches are utilized according to the needs of the clients and therapeutic management plan is formulated with utmost care and effective treatment delivery mechanism.

Services provided include Psychiatric consultation and assessment, psychological intervention, rehabilitative support, nutritional consultation, family therapy, yoga/ mindfulness practice, along with various adjunct therapies like music and art therapy.

  • Doctor/counselor ratio 1:1 – This ratio of 1:1 ensures that there are no gaps in the treatment approach and individual attention is maintained throughout.
  • In house setting – The facility is structured in a home like comfortable environment with all the basic amenities along with supportive and friendly staff.  Private security personnel is also present 24×7
  • Voluntary admissions – The centre allows voluntary admissions as well as working from the facility while in recovery.