We live in a hard-pressed world, running from one place to another. One thing to another. We forget about ourselves; we even forget to take a breather. It is frequently discussed everywhere, in our homes, work settings, and on the internet, especially that we need to care for our bodies and minds. But to be honest, it is hard. It is important, but it is hard.
This article will help you understand if you need that breather and what would help anyone in that situation.
Let’s understand how you have been feeling over the past month.
If you have been feeling the above emotions over the past month or more, then you need a breather and the right resources to deal with all these negative feelings. Negative emotions are part of human nature, just like positive emotions. However, negative emotions are more difficult ones. Finding help in such times is essential.
41% of the adults reported experiencing a lot of stress in 122 countries, according to 2021 Gallup survey data. More than one in four experienced sadness (28%), and slightly fewer experienced anger (23%). When we say it’s more common than you think, we are not normalizing stress but it is to let you know you are not alone. It’s not just adults who are stressed. According to WHO, one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder. Suicide is seen to be the third leading cause among 15-24-year-olds.
Having negative emotions can be a little complex to understand. There could be multiple factors contributing to those feelings. The major causes are:
– Environmental factors, including ongoing fights in your family, constant destructive criticism, and poor living conditions.
– Biological factors, because your emotions and feelings are associated with neural connections and neurotransmitters in the brain.
– Psychological factors include self-concept, self-esteem, and perception of the world around you. These concepts are formed while growing up and require proper emotional support. Emotional neglect in childhood can adversely affect self-esteem and self-worth.
– Trauma is any life-threatening event. Experiencing trauma makes people feel unsafe and in danger, which causes anxiety and again leads to distress.
– Abuse in the present or past. Any form of abuse can potentially cause poor mental health, stress, and mental illness such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and severe mental illness.
– Lifestyle choices, which may include improper sleep, use of alcohol and drugs, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
– Try to understand what is causing you this difficult time, stress, or emotional pain. When we see the cause, it is easier to deal with it. It might be a hard breakup, loss of a loved one, toxic work, dysfunctional family, or major life changes.
– Start taking out time for yourself. Maybe start with talking about a 5-minute’ walk. You can choose any recreational activity for yourself. It might be difficult to feel relaxed or it might take more time for you to relax if you have been stressed for a long time. Hang in there!
– Stay consistent with these small steps. The more you stay consistent, the more you can feel in control of yourself and your life. The sense of control is a bonus but so much more important when it comes to feeling better, reducing stress, and improving mental health.
– Reach out to mental health professionals. Seeking help might seem like a big challenge, but it improves the chances of getting better at a faster rate. You can reach out to the best mental wellness center in Delhi with the best and recommended mental health professionals.
Veda is a top-rated luxury rehab in Delhi that provides the best mental health treatment in Delhi. You will be able to find the breather that you have been looking for with the best amenities possible under the care of a mental health professional. Regular sessions with a psychiatrist (if needed) and a psychologist will help you deal with your struggles.
If you work remotely, this might be the best opportunity to relax and work around your stress and mental health challenges.
– Also, start to open up to your friends and family. A support system elevates the mood and motivates an individual to move forward. In case, you feel lonely and without a support system, you can reach out to Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness Centre, Delhi, and we will make sure to provide the best support possible from our side.
– Start writing your feelings or journal. It’s another way to vent our feelings and feel relaxed. This is impactful on the days when an individual feels overwhelmed. It is also a way to track your emotions, which helps manage them.
– And, always remember, ‘You are never alone’. Help is just a call away.