Expert Roundups: Top Wellness Experts Share Their Favourite Stress-Relief Techniques

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What are Stress- relief Techniques?

Stress management encompasses a variety of methods, approaches, and treatments tailored to assist individuals in regulating their stress levels. Its objectives may involve mitigating immediate stressors, yet its primary focus is typically on alleviating long-term stress to enhance one’s health, contentment, and general state of being.

Why do we need Stress- relief Techniques?

Effective stress management is vital for sustaining both physical and mental well-being, enhancing cognitive abilities, nurturing positive interpersonal connections, averting burnout, and elevating overall life satisfaction. It is a fundamental component of self-care and wellness, and integrating stress management practices into our daily schedule can yield significant advantages.

Stress- relief Techniques recommended by Wellness Experts

Here are a few techniques you can utilize to ensure a stress-free and happy life.

1. Guided Imagery

Guided imagery may involve following along with a recorded session where someone leads you through a tranquil scenario. Alternatively, once you’ve mastered the technique, you can conduct guided imagery independently.

To practice, simply shut your eyes for a moment and guide yourself through a serene setting. Engage your senses fully, immersing yourself in the experience to feel as if you’re truly present there. After a few minutes, open your eyes and reconnect with the present moment.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation entails systematically relaxing all muscle groups in the body, one by one. Begin by taking a few deep breaths. Then, proceed to tense and release each muscle group sequentially, commencing from the forehead and progressing downward to the toes.

Over time, you’ll develop an awareness of muscle tension, enabling you to relax more effortlessly. With each session, you should feel a wave of relaxation encompassing your body.

3. Eat High Quality Proteins and Fats

Eat High quality Proteins and Fats

Eat Proteins and Fats

Protein plays a crucial role in managing stress levels. It’s advisable to opt for antibiotic-free sources of protein such as beef, chicken, eggs, fish, or meat alternatives if you’re vegetarian. Steer clear of processed meats as they can exacerbate inflammation.

Trans fats, found in margarine, hydrogenated oils, and various processed foods, also trigger inflammation, which can strain the HPA axis. Vegetable oils like soy and canola aren’t much better. Opting for healthier alternatives such as olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil can help mitigate stress levels.

4. Quit the Caffeine

Quit the Caffeine

After enduring prolonged stress, you might find yourselves drained and tempted to rely on caffeine for a boost. However, this craving for caffeine often signifies a deeper need for rest and recovery from accumulated stress. Additionally, caffeine stimulates our HPA axis, exacerbating feelings of anxiety. Therefore, it’s best to avoid coffee, teas (such as green and black tea), and energy drinks altogether.

5. Reduce Sugar Intake

Reduce sugar intake

Sugar can escalate inflammation, potentially worsening long-term stress. Opt instead for nutritious carbohydrates such as whole fruits and vegetables.

6. Take Adaptogen Herbs

Take Adaptogen herbs

Adaptogens are botanicals that assist the body in coping with stress. Examples of potent adaptogens comprise of Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Eleuthero, Jiaogulan, Rhodiola, and Ginseng.

7. Exercise

Exercise Regular

As exercise heightens the body’s energy requirements and cortisol levels, it’s advisable to steer clear of high-intensity workouts when aiming to manage stress. Instead, opt for low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, or practicing yoga.

8. Indulge in Art

Indulge in Art

Reconnecting with your creative instincts might have come naturally in childhood, but even if you’ve drifted away from artistic pursuits, it’s never too late to reignite that passion. If drawing or painting doesn’t appeal to you, why not try colouring in an adult colouring book? These have become increasingly popular, and for good reason—they offer a relaxing way to relieve stress.

9. Focus on your Breathing

Focus on your breathing

Simply concentrating on your breath or adjusting your breathing pattern can significantly impact your overall stress levels. Breathing techniques have the power to soothe both your body and mind within minutes. What is even better is that these exercises can be done discreetly. Whether you’re in a tense meeting or a crowded venue, practicing breathing techniques could be the secret to easing your stress.

While there are various breathing exercises available, such as karate breathing, a few straightforward ones include:

  1. Inhale through your nose, observing your belly filling with air. Count slowly to three during inhalation, hold for a second, and then exhale slowly through your nose while counting to three again.
  2. Inhale through your nose, visualizing that you’re breathing in tranquil, serene air. Envision this peacefulness spreading throughout your body. As you exhale, imagine releasing stress and tension with each breath.

10. Aromatherapy


Aromatherapy involves utilizing essential oils to enhance health and well-being. These oils, when appropriately diluted, can be applied to the skin through methods such as massage. Alternatively, you can experience their aroma through techniques like facial steaming or using an essential oil diffuser for inhalation.

Aromatherapy offers tangible advantages for alleviating stress, aiding in feelings of vitality, relaxation, or mindfulness. Recent studies indicate that specific scents have the potential to modify brain wave patterns and reduce stress hormone levels in the body. Whether you prefer candles, diffusers, or body products, integrating aromatherapy into your daily routine could be beneficial.

We hope that by following these stress management techniques, you can get through difficult times without any worries. At Veda, we are committed to providing comprehensive wellness solutions that cater to all aspects of your health. 

For more personalized wellness plans and expert guidance, visit our website at or call us at (+91) 8151830000 or (E) [email protected] Stay healthy, stay happy!

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