Introductory guide:

A personality disorder is a manner of thinking, feeling, and acting that differs from cultural norms, produces distress or impairment in functioning, and can last for a long period. Personality problems typically start in adolescence or early adulthood. A personality disorder is a mental illness in which you have a strict and harmful way of thinking, functioning, and acting. It may seem like a struggle for life but treatment is available for personality disorder just as treatment for depression or treatment for anxiety is available and by best psychiatrists and psychologists. One of these places offering top treatment for mental health disorders and amongst best rehabs in India is Veda Rehab and Wellness (current blog).

Personality refers to a person’s unique manner of thinking, feeling, and acting. Experiences, environment (surroundings, life situations), and inherited characteristics all play a role in shaping an individual’s personality. Over time, a person’s personality tends to remain consistent. A personality disordered individual has difficulty perceiving and relating to situations and people. Relationships, social activities, job, and school are all hampered as a result of this.

These disorders are divided into three clusters as A, B and C:

Many people who have one personality disorder also show signs and symptoms of another personality disorder. To be diagnosed with a condition, you don’t have to show all of the signs and symptoms listed.

  • In Cluster A, people exhibit behaviour that others perceive as strange or erratic. These unusual behaviours lead to social difficulties.
  • In Cluster B there are unpredictable behaviours and people tend to react dramatically to seemingly mundane events. They tend to be impulsive and erratic. 
  • In Cluster C people are afraid of specific things and avoid confronting those fears. This behaviour leads to trouble in interpersonal relationships.

Identifying Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

  • People with NPD usually have strong self-esteem and believe they are superior or unique in comparison to others. They do, however, appear to require an inordinate amount of praise and adulation.
  • They may respond negatively to perceived criticism.
  • Narcissists also have a tendency to overstate their own abilities and successes while downplaying others’. Power, success, and beauty are usually on their minds. They may also indulge in impulsive behaviours like unsafe sex or gambling.
  • NPD has certain characteristics that resemble confidence. Healthy confidence and NPD, on the other hand, are not the same thing.
  • Persons with NPD are generally never humble, whereas people with strong self-esteem are. They have a tendency to put themselves on a pedestal and think of themselves as superior to others.

Common signs are:

  • Coming across as pretentious and boastful, causing others to avoid you
  • Relationships being unfulfilling
  • Becoming unhappy, angry, and confused when things don’t go your way

Cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

The actual cause is unknown. The disorder is likely due to a complicated combination of causes, like most mental and personality problems, including:

  • Genetics can lead an individual to be narcissistic.
  • Nature v/s nurture which includes relationships between parents and children, as well as the environment.
  • Neglect, children who are neglected or abused are more likely to develop NPD as a survival mechanism. They may believe that they must protect themselves because no one else would.

Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

Considering the disorder’s nature, most people with it are hesitant to admit they have a problem—and even more hesitant to seek treatment. Even when they do, treating narcissistic personality disorder can be difficult. That isn’t to say that there isn’t hope or that change isn’t possible.

In severe circumstances or if NPD co-occurs with another illnesses, mood stabilisers, antidepressants, and antipsychotic medicines may be recommended by best psychiatrists and psychologists. In most situations, however, psychotherapy is the primary treatment option and one can seek so from best rehabs in India. Like treatment of depression and treatment of anxiety, NPD can also be cured if help is taken.

One can learn to accept responsibility for your actions, acquire a better sense of proportion, and form stronger relationships by working with a qualified therapist. Improving emotional intelligence (E.Q) is also an option that helps you learn importance of positive emotions.

Written by,

Shaili Mehta

Veda Rehab and Wellness