‘Habit’- A term that has the power to make or break your personality.

Is your life going great?

Do you have a sense of satisfaction while going to bed?

Do you feel optimistic when you wake up?

If your answer to these questions is yes! Then your good habit is the reason for it. And if your answer is No! Then you are on the right page at the right time. This article will help you improve your habits and make new good ones. Go in front of a mirror and ask yourself; what will my future be ‘? The mirror will gently answer; “it depends on your habits”. Many a time we are in search of motivation to achieve certain goals. We often watch motivational videos of inspirational speakers or talk to a friend who you expect to motivate you or approach a counselor who you wish would offer you a quick dose of solutions to kick-start your life to reach your goals. But, at the end of the day, you end up losing consistency over time. What’s the reason for it?

I will tell you. Because you have not made the task your ‘Habit’.

Did you know?

It takes 21 days for a person to build a habit of something. More than 40 % of actions you perform each day aren’t actual decisions, but habits.

A good habit is one that makes your life good to live. For example: – Going to the gym, which gives you a sense of accomplishment and confidence eventually.

A bad habit is one that makes your life uneasy. For instance, Alcohol controls your mind and affects your health badly.

As you’re still reading this, you definitely want to improve your bad habits and the solution starts from acknowledging the problem. We appreciate you for doing that.

Here are ‘6 Life-Changing Mantras’ to improve your habits and make new good ones:-

1. Always start with a Plan: –

The secret behind all the Millionaires and billionaires is a ‘Plan’. They never let life take charge of them. Instead, they take charge of their life by making a plan. In building good habits, making a plan (For example:- Writing a schedule for the next day) will help you prioritize your habits and get less distracted. Check if you did all the planned tasks before sleep. If you manage to complete all the tasks on day one, it will motivate you to do it again. If you didn’t, turn to the next page of your diary and change the plan.

2. Don’t expect everything in one day: –

If you couldn’t improve your habit in one day, don’t worry. Breathe. Give yourself some time. You are in a process of changing your lifestyle. As it is said, Rome was not built in a day; If you had promised to wake up at 5 am and you didn’t, it’s okay. Don’t force yourself. It has to come from within. Use words like ‘I will do it’ to motivate you. Don’t use ‘I have to’. It will only create a burden.

3. Identify obstacles: –

Interference of your bad habits is your first obstacle. To improve those, you purposefully need to indulge in good habits i.e opposite to what you are doing now. For example, if you are eating excessive outside food, do the opposite of that. Eat home-cooked food. That’s how you gradually improve. The next obstacle in this journey is your thought of quitting. One thought can destroy 1000 efforts made by you. Don’t let that go in vain

4. Commit yourself to be consistent: –

Even though you have a lot of people around you, nobody can empower your journey more than yourself. Nobody expects you to know the importance of your good habits. Promise yourself to be consistent. Some people will appreciate, some will laugh and forget. But the only person who is going to ask you if you have done the task is YOU!

5. Celebrate small achievements: –

Don’t rush to achieve big. Start small. Use ‘1% Rule’ in building new good habits i.e., to be 1 % better than you were yesterday. Taking one step at a time will keep your focus on one particular goal at a time and it will be easy to achieve. And when you do, never forget to appreciate yourself. Small achievements create a big difference. Celebrate your achievement and get back to work.

6. Surround yourself with people following good habits: –

No matter how much effort you take to build good habits, your success or failure depends on the company you spend time with. Follow and learn from the people who have successfully completed their journey of building good habits. Keep your distance from the people who distract you. Choose friends wisely.

Psychologists and mental health promoters like Veda rehabilitation and wellness focus on building good habits for their clients to overcome their problems.  These ‘6 life-changing mantras’ will surely help you in building good habits. Searching for a good time to start? It is NOW!

All the best!

Kalpesh Kulkarni


Veda Luxury Rehabilitation & Wellness