Albert Ellis introduced Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in the 1950’s. It is a form of therapy, which propounds that irrational beliefs and thoughts cause emotional and behavioral disturbances. In his first major publication on Rational Therapy, Ellis mentioned that people are mostly affected by their attitudes or perceptions about external events, rather than the external events themselves.

Some of the assumptions of REBT are as follows:

  1. Humans have the potential for both rational and irrational thinking. Rational thoughts tend to be constructive in nature, whereas irrational thoughts tend to be self-defeating.
  2. People tend to have a dual predisposition toward self-preservation (being happy, seeking growth), but they also have a predisposition toward self-destruction (procrastination, intolerance).
  3. Through REBT, people are encouraged to know that they will make mistakes and are taught to accept themselves for the same.

In addition, Ellis mentioned that people have a tendency to think in terms of three ‘musts’:

  1. I must do well and win the approval of others or else I am no good.
  2. Other people must do “the right thing” or else they are no good and deserve to be punished.
  3. I must get what I want, when I want it. If I don’t get what I want, it’s terrible.

When people incorporate these three ‘musts’ in their lives, it can create difficulties in their lives. For instance, if people think ‘I must do well else I am no good’, it will lead them to perceive failures in a more intense manner. Experiencing failures will be devastating for them. Also, seeing people in an extreme manner, that is, as bad or good, will stop people from forgiving mistakes and will make them inflexible and rigid. Lastly, the thought that one must get what they want would lead them to have low frustration tolerance and anxiety.

To address their concerns, the clients are taught the A-B-C-D-E-F model:
A- Activating event
B- Belief
C- Consequences
D- Disputing interaction
E- Effect
F- New feeling

According to this, if a person’s belief (B) about the activating event (A) is rigid, it can lead to adverse behavioral and emotional consequences (C). The client is taught to identify these elements. They can then dispute (D) the evidence for their unhealthy beliefs and see the effects (E) of changing their beliefs. This leads them to experience new feelings (F).

Some of the techniques of REBT that are taught to the client are:

  1. Cost-benefit analysis- The clients are encouraged to list disadvantages and advantages of engaging in a certain behavior. They are asked to think about it around 15-20 times a day so that they think seriously about them.
  2. Shame-attacking exercises- This exercise is used to address the concern of people who feel ashamed when they face disapproval. This could include exercises such as asking silly questions to someone, or talking to strangers. This exercise is done until the client stops feeling ashamed about others’ disapproval.
  3. Forceful self-statements- This is used to address thoughts that address ‘must’ beliefs. For instance, if a person thinks, “I must get the first rank in my class”, it can be replaced by a self-statement, “I want to get the first rank, but it’s okay if I don’t. I will try my best.”
  4. Reinforcements- Giving rewards to oneself is a way to help oneself engage in certain helpful behaviors. For instance, if one is afraid of speaking in a large social setting, they can reward themselves every time they speak to a large group of people.

These REBT techniques has been used for the treatment of depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders. It has also been used for marital and family therapy. In addition, it is beneficial in group settings as people can use the techniques, they have learnt with each other.

If you or your loved ones require professional help for your concerns, the team of trained psychologists and psychiatrists at Veda Rehab and Wellness Center will provide counselling to you to ensure you get the best possible treatment. You can reach out to Veda Rehab at 8151830000.

REBT aims to help people reduce their emotional and behavioral disturbances, and to live a happier life. It is based on the premise that repetition of irrational thoughts is what keeps dysfunctional thoughts alive. At Veda Rehab and Wellness Center, through REBT, you will be taught to think more rationally and to deal effectively with negative feelings in a healthy manner.

Written by:

Monalisa Kar

In-house Psychologist

Veda Rehab and Wellness Center