Any person who starts consuming alcohol excessively, can never really realize his drinking habit. Here are some signs to look for and identify alcoholism. Spot these signs if your loved one is falling prey to alcohol addiction and help save a life.

The signs and symptoms of alcoholism/alcohol use disorder are:

  • Drinking alone or quietly
  • Failure to limit drinking
  • Blacking out and not being able to remember part of the time
  • Drink by making the rules and if anyone comments on it then drink more.
  • Drink regularly before, during, after, or after work.
  • Losing interest in favorite activities.
  • Uneasiness to drink alcohol.
  • Feeling restless as the time for drinking alcohol approaches
  • Feeling anxious after drinking alcohol.
  • Keep alcohol out of reach of others.
  • Drinking alcohol to feel good.
  • Drinking alcohol due to problems related to relationships, law, finances or work.
  • Drinking more alcohol without feeling intoxicated.
  • Nausea, sweating, shivering when not drinking alcohol

Consumption of alcohol can be said to be a problem when it starts becoming a problem with all other activities. When the problem of alcohol dependence becomes severe it can have physical, psychological and social effects.

How to know accurate signs of alcoholism ?

Common criteria include a pattern of alcohol consumption that helps us gain accurate information about harm or distress. At least three of the following criteria must be present during the past 12 months to be recognized for the disorder.

Drinking capacity and ability:

If a person has to consume large amounts of alcohol to feel intoxicated. Even if his liver has also been damaged due to drinking alcohol and he cannot digest more alcohol, then his stamina may be weak.

On the other hand, if a person’s central nervous system or central nervous system has been damaged due to heavy consumption of alcohol, then his tolerance level can be reduced.

Withdrawal symptom :

When a person stops drinking alcohol or stops for a few days. So, they may have tremors, insomnia, nausea, or anxiety. These symptoms can also cause a person to start consuming more alcohol.

Beyond intentions:

If a person has been consuming alcohol for a long time, then his mind can provoke him to drink alcohol.

Failed attempts to quit alcohol

If a person is constantly trying to quit alcohol but is not getting success. In such a situation, his desire to quit alcohol may increase.

Time spent:

If a person is spending a lot of time drinking, quitting, or stopping alcohol consumption, then their chances of becoming a victim of alcohol use disorder greatly increase.

Cut off from society

If a person withdraws from recreational, social, or professional activities in which they used to participate in the past, then their chances of becoming a victim of alcohol use disorder increase.


If a person knows that his physical and psychological condition is deteriorating due to drinking alcohol and even after that he continues to consume alcohol.

Some of these signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can be caused by other problems as well.

Complications of alcoholism

There are many complications associated with alcohol addiction that can affect our lives. These include –

  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Issues related to mental health
  • Impact of work and home life.

Long term alcohol addiction complications

Long-term consumption of alcohol also negatively affects a person’s ability to make decisions. It can reduce your inhibitions and change the thoughts, feelings, and general behavior of the drinker.

Consuming alcohol continuously and in heavy amounts can completely change the behavior of a person. Because of this, the coordination between his muscles and conversation gestures can also deteriorate. A person can also go into a coma due to continuous heavy drinking.

However, you may also have one of the following problems due to frequent heavy drinking. Continuous and prolonged consumption of heavy amounts of alcohol can cause a person to:

Fatigue: Fatigue can be felt most of the time.

Memory loss: Alcohol can affect a person’s short-term memory.

Eye muscles: The eyesight may be weak or lost.

Liver diseases: Incurable diseases like hepatitis and cirrhosis can occur.

Gastrointestinal complications: Intestinal or pancreas damage may occur. This can reduce the body’s ability to digest food, absorb vitamins, and produce hormones that regulate metabolism.

Hypertension: There may be a problem with increased blood pressure.

Heart problems: cardiomyopathy (damage to the heart muscle), heart attack, and stroke.

Diabetes: If someone consumes more than the safe amount of alcohol every day for a long time, then they may have a problem with diabetes. They can suffer from the problem of type 2 diabetes before anyone else.

Alcohol inhibits the release of glucose from the liver, which can lead to hypoglycemia. If a person has already taken the blood sugar level

Cancer: Consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of many types of cancer. This includes cancer of the mouth, goiter, liver, large intestine, anus, breast, prostate, and abdominal cancer.

Accidents: Due to the consumption of alcohol, the risk of injury to a person due to falling, road traffic accidents increases significantly.

Domestic Violence: Fights with family members are very common due to alcoholism

Problems at Workplace: Due to excessive consumption of alcohol, you may also have problems related to the workplace.

Suicide: The number of suicides among those who drink alcohol is much higher than that of those who do not consume alcohol.

Mental illness: Alcohol abuse can increase the risk of mental diseases, and it can worsen your mental health problems.

So, if anyone your loved one is resonating with these signs of alcoholism, it calls for medical attention which must be addressed at the correct time for good recovery to quit alcohol.