Understanding Adjustment Disorders: Techniques And Treatment

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual- 5- Text Revised (DSM-5- TR) describes Adjustment Disorder as the enhancement of emotional or behavioral symptoms as a response to a stressor, 3 months within its beginning. The symptoms include:

  1. Indications of low mood, like persistent sadness, frequent crying, and feelings of despair.
  2. Signs of anxious mood, such as constant fretting, nervousness and discomfort.
  3. Behavior disruption
  4. Not specified due to reactions that are not adaptive

For diagnosis, it is essential that the symptoms appear within one month of the encounter with the stressor and last up to six months and not more, once the stressor has ceased.

Adjustment disorders are caused while individuals are adapting to a stressor or traumatic event. The stressors may occur across various contexts.

Here are a few examples:

  • Transitioning into retirement, marriage, or parenthood.
  • Losing someone close to you
  • Alterations in relationships, encompassing separations, marital discord, and dissolution.
  • Being diagnosed with a medical condition.
  • Professional or academic challenges
  • Financial adversity
  • Natural disasters
  • When emotional or physical needs are not met

Further, disorders under the Adjustment Disorder category include:

  • Adjustment Disorder with Depressed MoodPleasurable activities tend to evoke emotions of sorrow, despair and hopelessness, rather than the usual feelings of joy and satisfaction.
  • Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety- Prominent feelings of worry, anxiety and being overwhelmed take up your mental space. You may find it difficult to concentrate on tasks that require sustained attention.
  • Adjustment disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood- Anxiety and depressed mood co-exist together.
  • Adjustment disorder with Disturbance of Conduct- When behaviors related to defiance, disruptiveness, risk-taking or impulsivity are displayed.
  • Adjustment disorder with Mixed Disturbance or Emotions and Conduct- Anxiety, depression and behavioral issues persist.
  • Adjustment disorder Unspecified- Physiological symptoms such as headaches, muscle pains, abdominal discomfort, irregular heartbeat or sleep disturbances occur in varying intensities.

Treatment techniques consist of:

  1. Talk Therapy- Therapy creates a space for you to express yourselves, feel heard and explore the unexplored. The therapist shall help you with stress management and coping skills to deal with the stressor more effectively.
  2. Medications- Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs are used alongside talk therapy to address symptoms of depression and anxiety. The dosage and duration of the medications prescribed is strictly determined by the psychiatrist.
  3. Lifestyle Ammendments- Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a well-balanced diet and engaging in any forms of physical exercise. Set goals for yourself and work regularly to achieve them. Create a support network of friends, family or any other trusted individuals, who you can reach out to, when you feel low.

If you, or anyone you know, is struggling with Adjustment Disorder, Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness Private Limited might just be what you are looking for. We are one of India’s best luxury rehabilitation centers, offering the finest services, based on a 1:1 doctor/ counsellor-client ratio. Kindly check the official website for contact details and please do not hesitate to reach out to us, in case you need help 🙂

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