Achievement Unlocked: Strategies To Remain Focussed

A: I’ve barely managed to get any work done. Have been scrolling on Instagram all day long.

B: Oh my god! Same.

Ever found yourself in a similar situation because you are not able to sustain your attention at work or while studying?

Here are few symptoms to look out for:

  • Difficulty in recalling recent events
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Difficulty maintaining a clear thought pattern
  • Regularly misplacing objects or having trouble recalling their whereabouts
  • Indecisiveness
  • Performing complex tasks is challenging
  • Low energy
  • Frequently making silly mistakes

Research shows that 2 out of 3 people find it difficult to fully concentrate at their work. It is quite easy to go off track and get distracted. Common lifestyle causes of not being able to focus include:

  • Lack of sleep reduces your attention span and ability to learn and process new information. The effects are similar to being drunk wherein thinking diminishes and the person takes an unusual time to react. They are not able to behave in a goal- oriented manner, following a series of systematic steps.
  • Hunger causes a person to easily go off track. Sustaining your attention requires energy which ought to be achieved by a healthy balanced diet. Consequently, retaining things in memory also becomes a challenge.
  • Fatigue or tiredness occurs when the brain cells do not get a chance to recharge and get ready to function the next day. It becomes very difficult, nearly impossible to avoid distractions. Moreover, the commitment to get the job done is highly reduced in an exhaustive state.  
  • Stress takes up a lot of your mental space where you are constantly preoccupied with certain thoughts. You may feel the stress- related thoughts interfering with your thought pattern, making it even tougher to sustain attention.  

Management Strategies

Here are few measures you can adopt to improve your attention:

  • Observe when you lose focus. Notice the trend associated with losing focus and be mindful of not getting into that cycle, actively.
  • Set SMART goals for yourself, i.e.,

S (Specific)     M (Measurable)         A (Achievable)         R (Relevant)        T (Time- bound)

  • Avoid distractions. For example, put your phone on silent when you sit to work.
  • Make a timetable where a list of tasks to be accomplished is noted with short 5 minute breaks after every hour.
  • Engage in productive activities like solving crosswords, puzzles, playing Sudoku or chess to keep your brain active.
  • Eat well and sleep for 7- 9 hours.

2 Weeks Later

A: I’ve managed to get a great deal of work done. My mobile app weekly report says I used my phone 2 hours less than last week.

B: I was also able to concentrate much better on my work by making these changes and finished it quickly than before.

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