Alcohol Abuse or in other words Alcohol Misuse is when one feels the need to have excessive alcohol that can harm their physical and emotional health along with their relationships and occupational life. This is a facet of Alcohol Addiction Disorder however how it also involves drinking alcohol persistently for a long duration.
How would one identify signs of Alcohol Abuse?
Alcohol Abuse would show up in the form of physical symptoms i.e. in our body. You wouldhave frequent hangovers or blackouts i.e. not being able to recall several events of your life post-drinking.
One would observe a flushed face i.e. redness on your face. This is also called the ‘alcohol flush reaction’. This reaction on your face happens when your body is unable to digest the alcohol completely and toxins in alcohol build up in your body. The blood vessels in your face can dilate and lead to spider veins on your skin. You may experience jaundice too. A yellow skin tone may appear as a result of liver damage. You must note that alcohol dehydrates you every time you drink it. You lose valuable nutrients and fluid in your body every time you drink. As a result, your
skin may appear to be wrinkly, dry, puffed up or may appear to be unhealthy-looking. You may get repeated dry skin or skin infections too.
Did you know excessive alcohol use can also affect your sleep? You may find yourself tossing and turning at night and may experience what we call ‘night sweats’ or ‘alcohol sweats’. Self-care goes completely off the grid, you begin to stop caring about yourself and you may begin to look exhausted due to dehydration and lack of sleep. Weight gain or weight loss are another set of signs you may observe in yourself. Alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer contain high calories, and consuming these substances regularly can lead to weight gain. You may lose interest in food thus having a low appetite or craving high-fat foods. As an alcoholic, you may see behaviour changes too. You may observe that you have a loss of control and would want to drink more than the planned amount. It may get difficult to cut down on your drinking even when you want to. Risk-taking behaviour also becomes part of your daily life whether it is reckless drinking and driving, unprotected sex, getting into dangerous situations and not taking control over one’s life. You may want to drink endlessly despite knowing that it affects your work, and relationships, or negatively impacts your health too. Depending on
alcohol in stressful times even more is also a major sign. You feel that the only way to feel better is by drinking. You think that seeking immediate gratification is how to deal with the stressor.
Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder and PTSD are two mental health conditions that are associated with alcohol abuse. Alcohol-induced psychosis is also a sign of the emotional impact of alcohol. One may see hallucinations i.e. seeing things that aren’t real or not reality post drinking. Moreover, alcoholism can cause brain damage, long-term memory deformities, decision-making difficulties and emotional dysregulation. These are some ways of how it can psychologically damage you.
Did you know it can affect your relationships too? Due to alcoholism, you may begin to feel irritable more often or displace your anger on other people such as romantic relationships, friends or family since your ability to make sound decisions and emotional regulation goes down. You may also isolate yourself in turn feeling lonely and have increased depression. Suicidal thoughts and behaviour may also take place as a result of this. Hopelessness and helplessness can take over your mind leading you to have difficulty dealing with stressful situations. Due to the inability to cope with that stress, you may find yourself relying on alcohol as an emotional relief. One also may suppress their emotions and memories that have hurt
them in the past or so to say, drown their sorrows in alcohol more than often. In what ways can treatment take place?
The good news is that you can overcome this disease. It is only feasible if you accept the situation. The first step is to acknowledge and accept. It is only possible to overcome it if you accept that you have an alcohol use disorder or are an alcoholic. Only then can you seek aid. It’s like going to therapy without wanting it to succeed and expecting benefits without improving yourself.
Your treatment may differ from that of others. It may include brief intervention, individual or group counselling, and an outpatient or residential inpatient stay, which is residing at a rehabilitation facility for therapy.
You’ve probably heard the term “rehabilitation”. The verb indicates “a set of interventions designed to optimise functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions interacting with their environment”. It enables people to return to their normal lifestyles. During this therapeutic period, alcohol detox occurs. This is a two to seven-day programme. You may need to take sedatives to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Detox occurs exclusively in an inpatient setting, which means you must stay in an addiction treatment facility or hospital.
Another treatment method is to gain new skills and develop a treatment plan. Alcohol treatment specialists assist in this process. They help with goal setting, behaviour modification, self-help manuals and counselling, and follow-up care at a treatment facility.
Furthermore, group or individual psychological treatment, as well as support groups, might help to reduce symptoms. Family support is an important element of the therapeutic process. Medication, in addition to treatment and social support, is an important consideration. There are two sorts of medications: oral and injectable. It will not, however, directly prevent you from experiencing that need. It may assist to avoid, but it will not cure. Disulfiram and Naltrexone are two such medications that can help you avoid drinking. Some medications, such as Vivitrol, are injected into your body once each month. Please keep in mind that you can only use these medications if a health professional has prescribed them, and you cannot self-medicate.
Even if the treatment has ended and you have recovered, you must receive aftercare treatment. It helps patients cope with resuming their normal lives and managing relapse. Medical or psychiatric care, as well as participation in a support group, might be beneficial. It’s crucial to note that if you have an anxiety problem, depression, or any other mental ailment, alcoholism may be related to it as well.
To conclude, according to the 2023 NSDUH, 2.4 million young adults aged 18 to 25 (6.9% of this age group) reported significant alcohol use in the past month. It is integral to make yourself not fall in this alcohol trap.