Expert Roundups: “Nutritionists reveal their go-to Healthy Snacks.”

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Your daily routine can be greatly affected by how you snack. “Snacking is a good way to tame hunger if you’re going more than four to five hours between meals,” says Samantha Cassetty, M.S., RD. Having a satisfying snack that sustains you until your next meal involves incorporating a combination of protein, fibre, and fat, or at least two of these elements.

Beth Stark, a registered dietitian, emphasizes that snacks offer a chance to increase consumption of healthy food groups such as fruits and vegetables, as well as essential nutrients like fibre. While whole foods are an optimal choice for improving nutrient intake, packaged snacks can also provide important nutrients and help stave off hunger.

Want to eat healthy but cannot stop yourself from munching on those chips and biscuits?

Here are a few healthy snacks, recommended by experts, that you can include in your regular munchies diet.

1. Apple or Pear with Nuts or Nut Butter

  • This effective combination is a favoured snack choice among many of the dietitians and with good reason.
  • “Apples and pears are rich in fibre, particularly when consumed with the skin, while nuts offer a blend of plant-based protein, healthy fats, and fibre, making them excellent for satiety and blood sugar management,” remarks Stark.
  • Nearly any seasonal fruit offers comparable advantages, and seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds can serve as a suitable alternative to nuts.
  • Apart from their nutritional advantages, Stark points out that, “Unlike numerous trendy packaged snacks, an apple paired with nut butter is more budget-friendly.”
  • Jennifer Lease, RD, Owner of ChefGirl Nutrition LLC, highlights the convenience, accessibility, and portability of the same.

2. Popcorn

Healthy Snacks-Popcorn

Craving a crunchy treat?

  • According to Kelsey Pezzuti, M.S., RD, “This high-fibre whole grain is the ultimate snack.” She emphasizes its affordability, ease of preparation, and satisfying texture.
  • Whole grain snacks like popcorn not only increase your fibre intake but also provide essential vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins and iron.
  • Jody Bergeron, M.S., RN, BSN, CEN, suggests that substituting refined grains with whole grains may have the added benefit of reducing cholesterol levels, particularly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides.

Popcorn offers versatility, lending itself well to both sweet and savoury variations. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of toppings.

  • Excessive use of butter, salt, or caramel can quickly turn a healthy snack into a decadent indulgence.
  • When purchasing pre-packaged popcorn, opt for varieties with minimal added sugar (<4g per serving) and sodium (<200mg per serving), and favour those made with plant-based oils for flavour.

3. Chickpeas

Healthy Snacks-Chickpeas
  • “Chickpeas make for an excellent snack choice because they offer a trio of nutrients that promote satisfaction: fibre, protein, and carbohydrates that digest slowly,” explains Sharon Palmer, MSFS, RDN, known as The Plant-Powered Dietitian.
  • A can of chickpeas is cost-effective and versatile, lending itself to various snack creations.
  • Roasted chickpeas provide a satisfying crunch and, similar to popcorn, can be flavoured either sweetly with cinnamon and maple syrup or savoury with an array of herbs or spices.
  • Palmer suggests incorporating pureed chickpeas into dips, hummus, or homemade bars for added nutritional value.
  • Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, recommends enjoying chickpeas in a salad alongside olive oil and vegetables for a nutritious snack option.

4. Beet Chips

Healthy Snacks-Beet Chips
  • Ideal for dipping, beet chips offer a delightful twist to increasing your vegetable consumption compared to raw veggies.
  • Beets are rich in fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, and potassium, and they also contain inorganic nitrates, associated with various health advantages such as reduced blood pressure and enhanced cardiovascular health.
  • Unlike numerous veggie chips and straws, beet chips are crafted from real beets, ensuring genuine nutritional value.

5. Walnuts

Healthy Snacks-Walnuts

Feeling lazy and unproductive in the afternoon? Reach for a handful of walnuts.

  • Recent research indicates that consuming walnuts may be associated with lower rates of depression, and other studies suggest they could potentially enhance mood.
  • While all nuts (and seeds) offer nutritious snacking options, “walnuts are unique as they’re the sole tree nut that provides a significant amount of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA,” according to Cassetty.
  • Additionally, they’re rich in fibre and protein, providing satiety between meals. Cassetty suggests creating a mix of walnuts and dried fruit for a satisfying snack.

6. Cotton cheese with Fruits or Vegetables

Healthy Snacks-Cotton cheese with Fruits or Vegetables
  • Cottage cheese, often overlooked, is actually a nutritious and satisfying snack choice.
  • Rich in protein and a good source of calcium, B vitamins, and selenium, it offers a range of health benefits. However, it’s worth noting that cottage cheese tends to be high in sodium, so it’s wise to consider its consumption in relation to your overall daily sodium intake.
  • The protein content of cottage cheese helps keep you feeling full, and opting for full-fat varieties may enhance this effect due to the fat’s ability to slow down digestion.
  • While some research suggests that dairy fat might not pose as significant a risk to heart health as other forms of saturated fat, it’s still prudent to be mindful of your overall fat intake or opt for low-fat alternatives.
  • For a well-rounded snack, consider pairing cottage cheese with fruits or vegetables to add additional nutrients and flavour.

7. Energy Bars

Healthy Snacks-Energy Bars
  • Bars are an ideal option for quick and convenient snacking on hectic days. However, it’s essential to be discerning, as not all bars offer the same nutritional value.
  • Despite their healthy appearance, numerous bars can be as sugary as candy bars.
  • Whether you opt for homemade or store-bought options, prioritize those primarily composed of whole foods, containing 5 grams or less of added sugar, and providing a balance of protein, fibre, and healthy fats.

8. Greek Yogurt

Healthy Snacks-Greek Yogurt
  • While yogurt is often associated with breakfast, it serves as an excellent snack option as well. “It’s satisfying due to its high protein content and also provides calcium,” points out Young.
  • Lease suggests combining it with nuts or seeds to incorporate healthy fats, while Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD, Owner of Sound Bites Nutrition, proposes pairing plain Greek yogurt with frozen berries. “The fruit’s juice, once thawed, naturally sweetens the yogurt,” she explains.
  • In addition to the traditional yogurt parfait, plain Greek yogurt can be used to create both sweet and savory dips, perfect for pairing with fruits, vegetables, or whole grain crackers.

9. Popsicles

Healthy Snacks-Popsicles
  • Popsicles have an extremely refreshing appeal.
  • Popsicles not only help with hydration but if crafted from fruit juice, they can also contribute essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your daily intake.
  • While popsicles might not be as satiating as some alternative snacks, their enjoyable nature makes them a delightful choice, particularly on hot days.
  • When browsing the freezer section, seek out options made with 100% fruit juice and minimal added sugar.

10. Chia Pudding

Healthy Snacks - Chia Pudding

These small seeds offer significant health advantages.

  • A mere ounce of chia seeds (approximately 2 tablespoons) provides 9 grams of unsaturated fat (including omega-3s), 11 grams of fibre, 4 grams of protein, and serves as a rich source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and numerous antioxidants.
  • Their high fibre content may aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels, supporting gut health, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • When combined with liquid, chia seeds develop a pudding-like consistency akin to tapioca, offering a snack experience reminiscent of dessert.

We hope that by including these snacks in your diet, you are able to lead a healthy life. At Veda, we are committed to providing comprehensive wellness solutions that cater to all aspects of your health.

For more personalized wellness plans and expert guidance, visit our website at or call us at (+91) 8151830000 or (E) [email protected]. Stay healthy, stay happy!

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