Understanding Mood Swings: Causes, Symptoms, and Management: Differentiating Medical Conditions from Mood Swings

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  • Understanding Mood Swings: Causes, Symptoms, and Management: Differentiating Medical Conditions from Mood Swings

Are you going through rapid mood swings and are confused, why? Read to find out more.

A lot of the times, mood swings may be a response to changes that occur within us or in our environment. Internal changes include age- related emotional changes whereas external changes include stressful events in daily routine and workplace.

Another significant factor associated to your mood swings is the life stage you are in. In case of teenagers, as they progress through adolescence, it’s typical for them to experience mood swings as part of their growth. As they transition into their preteen years, these fluctuations in mood are mainly influenced by hormonal shifts. These changes in emotional state typically reach their highest point during adolescence and then gradually level off as they reach young adulthood.

If you are someone who is prone to seasonal allergies, your mood might be affected by the specific times of the year when symptoms arise. Persistent sneezing, watery eyes, post-nasal drip, and itchiness can also contribute to feelings of tiredness, particularly if these allergies disrupt sleep.

Hormonal changes are a popular cause of mood swings. For example, hormonal variations during puberty or during the menstrual cycle can have a significant effect on mood.

Symptoms of mood swings include:

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Fast- paced thoughts
  • Sudden shifts in energy levels (either heightened or diminished)
  • Low life satisfaction
  • Feelings of embarrassment, inadequacy or remorse
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Sudden alterations in eating habits
  • Loss of interest in pleasurable activities
  • Strong inclination to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously

You can adopt a variety of strategies to manage mood swings and handle them effectively. Some of them are-

  1. Utilizing relaxation methods such as deep breathing exercises or visualization to stabilize your emotions.
  2. Embracing mindfulness practices, meditation, and yoga to foster tranquillity.
  3. Experimenting with restructuring your thought process, which aid in altering your perspective on stressful events.
  4. Maintaining a mood diary to track mood fluctuations or potential triggers.
  5. Seeking solace or finding humour amidst difficulties.
  6. Allowing yourself some distance or altering your surroundings temporarily to gain perspective on the issue.
  7. Relying on the support of loved ones during periods of mood swings.

Often, we confuse regular mood swings with mood swings as a symptom of a mental health disorder or a medical condition.

Here are few pointers to remember and differentiate the two:

  • Duration and Frequency- Temporary and occasional mood swings, particularly in reaction to life events or hormonal shifts, are likely part of typical variations in mood. On the other hand, medical conditions typically entail enduring and severe mood alterations that interfere with daily activities.
  • Triggers- Typical mood swings can be linked to recognizable triggers like stress, sleep deprivation, or hormonal changes. In contrast, medical conditions may have identifiable triggers, but they can also manifest without apparent external stimuli.
  • Severity- Normal mood swings usually do not significantly disrupt daily activities or relationships. Conversely, medical conditions may cause substantial impairment in functioning and might necessitate medical intervention.
  • Pattern- Typical mood swings frequently adhere to a foreseeable pattern, like the hormonal changes experienced by menstruating individuals. In contrast, medical conditions may exhibit less predictable patterns or adhere to specific diagnostic criteria.
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  • Underlying factors– Typical mood swings often stem from situational influences like relationship challenges or job-related stress. Conversely, medical conditions may be linked to underlying physiological or neurological factors.
  • Other symptoms– Mood swings linked to medical conditions frequently coincide with additional symptoms like alterations in appetite, disruptions in sleep patterns, cognitive challenges, or physical manifestations.

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