Muladhara Chakra in Hathayoga – The Foundation of Kundali Awakening

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  • Muladhara Chakra in Hathayoga – The Foundation of Kundali Awakening

In the Himalayan forests, a yogi sat in deep meditation, his breath with the natural world. For many years, he had been on a quest for spiritual awakening, until one day, his guru softly spoke a single word: “Muladhara.”

Root chakra or Muladhara is that very foundational sense in the development of human consciousness. The scripture and traditional texts in the tradition of Hathayoga put this place near the lower rear portion of the back part of the spinal column with which Kundalini Shakti resides here and when stimulated; the human body enters new states of enlightenment.

Shloka from Shiva Samhita

“मूलस्थं चतुर्दलं तु वर्णश्चास्य धरोद्भवः।

तत्राधारः सदा ध्यान्यः कुण्डली तत्र संस्थिता॥”

— (Shiva Samhita 5.72)

A shloka from the Shiva Samhita describes Muladhara thus: “At the root lies a four-petaled lotus, bearing the color of the earth. Here, the Kundalini remains coiled, waiting to rise.”

In Yogic tradition, Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is the guardian of Muladhara Chakra. Ganesha is invoked before any new spiritual or material journey because he is stability, wisdom, and the courage to face fears. His presence at Muladhara indicates that the path must be cleared of inner blockages for Kundalini to ascend.

The symbolism of Muladhara is rich.

Its four petals represent the fundamental energies of mind, intellect, ego, and consciousness. The element associated with this chakra is Prithvi (Earth), therefore, a restless mind and an unstable life are often seen as signs of an imbalanced Muladhara.

Hathayogis recommend specific practices to awaken and purify Muladhara:

1. Mula Bandha (Root Lock) – Contracting the perineum redirects energy upward.

2. Ashwini Mudra (Horse Gesture) — Rhythmic contraction and release of the pelvic muscles activates chakra

3. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath) – Generates heat and wakes Kundalini.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose) – a balancing posture that grounds energy to stability.

Once, a young seeker came to his guru with constant fear and anxiety. His guru asked him to sit under a big Banyan tree, to press his feet hard on the ground, and to chant “Lam,” the bija mantra of Muladhara.

As days became weeks, the seeker felt an unshakeable strength within. His fears vanished like mist at dawn, and he felt a deep sense of security. He had awakened his root, his foundation.

In today’s chaotic world, stress, insecurity, and instability are rife. When your root chakra is weak, you feel lost and when it is balanced, you become grounded, fearless, and resilient—like the yogis of ancient times.

So, take a deep breath. Feel the earth beneath you. Invoke Lord Ganesha to guide you. And remember—the journey to enlightenment begins at the root.

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